"You're getting fat."
My darling daughter informed me of this last week. My daughter who I consider is directly responsible for the parlous state of my post-childbirth tummy.
In my defence it was pre-period bloat week. But unfortunately, she is right. To be fair I'm not actually fat, but I'm not looking particularly sleek right now either. Which is putting it kindly.
Many years ago when I was young I had a pretty good bod which I maintained by stuffing my face with anything I fancied, doing naff all exercise, and feeling smug about inheriting my mother's skinny genes.
Those were the days....but childbearing, being a parent, and ageing took care of that. I'm now about six kilos over my ideal weight and out of shape.
Six kilos doesn't sound like much but when you are a short-arse with a small frame it makes a big difference. Some women can carry extra weight well and still look sexy and strong - I can't. And actually the weight doesn't bother me nearly as much as the out of shape bit. I hate looking flabby and unfit.
Living here I spend half my life in a bathing suit at the moment and shallow it may make me, but I want to look good at the beach, damn it. I don't want to look mumsy and flabby. I've got plenty of time for that when I hit the retirement home.
I'm on a mission to lose about six kilos to get back to my ideal weight of 53 kilos and get fit. I suspect I've lost a bit already. I can't be sure, but my clothes feel a bit looser. I don't actually own any scales so I'm going to have to pop down to the chemist once a week or so and weigh myself to check I'm on track.
God, I can't believe I'm dieting. And about to start an exercise programme. But in a way I'm enjoying the challenge. I'm one of those people who always needs to be striving for something or I get bored.
On a practical note, I'm quite looking forward to being able to get back into all my 'smaller' clothes again. It saves me having to buy new ones. Which is good, since I am still working on being frugal.
Hehehe... gotta love the honesty of kids!
My boy is forever commenting on the state of my stomach... hmmmmmm.
Yeah she said to me the other day, "Why is your stomach all squishy and fat like that while mine looks good?"
I said, "YOU did that to me!"
Kids are great, mine once wondered very loudly: 'why is that big man was pregnant?'. Don't think he was too amused. Thought you looked pretty tiny to me though.
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