Monday, December 14, 2009

So, today I:

  • Got up at 6am.
  • Did some work before my daughter woke up at 8am.
  • Got my daughter organised and off to school.
  • Completed a number of design and layout jobs for clients.
  • Paid my phone bill.
  • Shopped for bathroom tiles.
  • Tiled part of my bathroom while my daughter and her friend had a playdate.
  • Made some urgent changes to some ads I'm working on and got them ready for the newspaper.
  • Organised myself and my mother to be at the school tomorrow for final assembly.
  • Organised babysitting for next Saturday night.
  • Tidied up the entire house (which was a bombsite after aforementioned playdate) in preparation for my property manager to show around prospective tenants tomorrow.
  • Prepared dinner and tidied everything up afterwards. (Well, flung together some guacamole, chilli beans and corn chips - yummy)
  • Went through paperwork relating to my upcoming move, and my work in progress.
  • Got my daughter fed, watered, bathed and into bed. (Thank god there is no homework to do at this time of year).
  • Poured a herbal tea. (It is now after 10pm)
I barely stopped all day. And now I'm about to go to bed in preparation for a 4.30am start tomorrow and start it all again. 

I need to start this early as the school assembly is taking up a significant chunk of the working day, and then I'm going to a client Christmas lunch which will take up another big chunk. By which time it will be three o'clock and time to pick up my daughter and her friend from school. 

Luckily, I'm not a perfectionist. It would be a nightmare to try and get everything done perfectly. To be the best mother, the best designer, have the best kept house, to always eat a perfectly balanced diet. I do work hard to succeed in what I do, but I don't expect perfection from myself or others. As long as I feel I've done a good job to the best of my ability at the time, I'm ok with that. The only area I need to be a perfectionist in is when I'm preparing artwork files for print as it potentially costs thousands of dollars if I screw it up. (But, hey, no pressure or anything)

I'm tired. But it's good tired.

Geeze, just reading that list makes me tired. It's funny how you often don't realise how much you accomplish in a day until you write it all down.

I'm giving myself a pat on the back for today. I deserve it.


LK said...

Holy Moly! Days like that are exhausting but satisfying as well, especially when you write it out like that.

Chia said...

Yeah it is insane. I'm doing 5am starts every weekday morning until Christmas, just to try and keep on top of everything.