Saturday, December 12, 2009

......aaaaand the sun appears!

Things are much better now since I last posted.
Good things that have happened:
  • We now have a place to live in Auckland! We went up last week to do the full-on house hunt and I found the right place on the third day. I walked in and thought, "This is our house.". And fortunately the landlord didn't seem to be frightened off by the look of us, so we are signed up, yay! It is a huge weight off my shoulders to have a place to go to, and I now have a place I can visualise us in, which means I'm starting to get excited about moving again.
  • It is just around the corner from what looks like a fabulous school. We went in to look around and the people were lovely. I have a very good feeling about this school.
  • It has been WARM and SUNNY lately. At least it was in Auckland last week when I was there, and then Christchurch kindly turned on a warm weekend when we returned. So that is a week of warm sunny weather, and what a difference it has made.
  • I've started talking to people again, now I'm no longer quite so preoccupied. I'm being social. I'm getting invites to places. It stops me chatting to the voices in my own head which has got to be a good thing.
  • I am no longer premenstrual. Praise be.
In other news, I just finished The Time Traveller's Wife, by Audrey NiffeneggerI admit it has been a while since I started it. Gone are the days where I could devour a book like that in a couple of days. At the moment I count myself lucky to get an uninterrupted half hour to read in a day, so books get read much more slowly than they used to be.
Anyway, my verdict is: I loved it. Even if I did bawl my way through the last few sections, because I was so emotionally involved with the characters. I'm already looking forward to reading the author's next book: Her Fearful Symmetry.

I know there is more to ramble on about, but I can't think of anything else to write right now. My child is demanding to be fed, and refusing to let me blog in peace until she gets nourishment.

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