Men....well after going online I was struck by a bout of can't-be-arsed-itis as I surveyed the lacklustre options out there. I think I might just embrace spinsterhood with enthusiasm, although not sure if I can technically be called a spinster when I've already had a sprog. But I have a cat and lots of cat hair about the place so in my opinion that's a cracking start in the spinster stakes.
How can't be arsed am I? Well someone saw my photos and said, "You really need to put better photos up, those ones don't do you justice." Instead of feeling insulted I cheerfully said, "Yes I know, and if I could be bothered I would. But this is great! I don't get as many messages so I don't have to be bothered responding much."
Yes, it hardly sounds like a woman gagging for a date, for the very good reason that I'm just not gagging for a date.
The thing is, I really like being single. OK I know there are great things about being in a couple. It would be nice to have someone to snuggle up to at night, and it would be nice to have another paycheck coming in, and it would be nice to have someone to deal to the spiders. Although just about every guy I've dated is wimpier than me in that department - serves me right for not being attracted to blokey blokes I suppose.
But then there are things I love about being single. I don't have to deal with anyone else trying to mold me into their image of what they think I should be. I don't have to watch their crappy shows on TV. I get the remote to myself and get to watch MY crappy shows instead. I don't have to bother about someone getting in a strop because the house is not tidy enough for them. I get my space. I don't have to worry about what stupid thing they are going to spend our money on. On the other hand I also don't have to deal with someone having an apoplectic fit because I spent $50 on something I like. I don't have to deal with moods or infidelity or power struggles.
And by the way, not all of those things have happened to me in previous relationships, just in case anyone thinks I am the most relationship-challenged woman alive. Some of them have, and the rest have happened (often on a regular basis) to other people I know in their relationships.
Although I do have a date this Saturday with a guy I met last weekend. So I'll let you know how that goes.
I'm kinda lukewarm as the last one I met seemed semi-ok until I discovered he had only just moved out of his parents place, to a house down the road from mummy and daddy. He is 45. Not a turn on.
This one seems a bit more of a grown up but only time will tell whether he is a miasma of weirdness wrapped in a paper thin veneer of normality. I'm a sceptic but we'll see.
But while my dating life may not be firing at the moment, things in general are whirring along nicely. Between my daughter and myself and the school, our calendar is a mad social whirl right now. Barely a weekend until the holidays remains unspoken for. My daughter is being all helpful and gorgeous right now (long may that last). I have a nice tan. I even followed Cesca's example and bought a cleavage dress to show said tan off. And then we are off to Christchurch for a week in the school holidays which we are both looking forward to.
Awesome! I'll make sure I pack all my spinster cardies for the colder weather, cat hair and all. They haven't had much of an airing up here lately.
Oh – and the spider didn't come back and terrorise me again, so that is a bonus. I've no idea where it went (possibly to menace the neighbours) but it isn't on my driveway any more so I don't care. Maybe it's off being a happy spinster as well.