Friday, January 15, 2010

The good, the bad and the ugly so far

The Good things about living here:
  • The weather. It has been fantastic, a perfect 20 to 24 degrees virtually every day since I've been here. I'll be interested to see how winter here compares to a Christchurch winter. 
  • The beaches. We have several fantastic child friendly beaches either within a five minute walk or a five minute drive. We've been most days to puddle around at one or other of them.
  • We enjoyed the hospitality last night of Tiki, and her two lovely girls who entertained Stella while we gossiped. Tiki is a fabulous cook and pressed vino on me at regular intervals. (Clearly the hostess genes DO run in the family). 
The Bad:
  • The ants. They are friggen everywhere outside and some places inside. Including in my kitchen although fortunately they confine themselves to one part by the sink, and only when I leave dirty dishes out. I am constantly drowning or squashing the little bastards but I have to admit they are a great incentive to do my dishes straight away. 
  • Auckland house prices. Say no more. They are insane. How does anybody afford a nice house here? I'll need to figure that one out if I want to stay here.
The Ugly:
  • The crap quality of mobile broadband and mobile phone service here. It is so slooooow at times and and just cuts out with no warning. Grrrrrrr. Fume. Many expletives. I was ready to throw the computer at the wall today but refrained considering it would be expensive to replace. But I cannot do business like this so I'm going to have to find another solution. Ironically a lot of the posher areas of Auckland have the crappiest cellphone and broadband because no one wants cell towers near their McMansions. 
I'd better post this before my broadband cuts out again so that's about it for now. Oddly enough I have great TV reception despite the hills. Not that there is much worth watching but that's New Zealand TV for you. 

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